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Jumat, 04 November 2011

Youth Oath


1.         We are boys and girls of Indonesia claimed that a blood spilled homeland Indonesia.
2.         We are boys and girls of Indonesia claimed that one of the nation of Indonesia.
3.         We are boys and girls of Indonesia uphold the national language Indonesian language.

      Youth Oath is authentic evidence that on October 28, 1928 The Indonesian nation was born, therefore it should be all the people of Indonesia momentum commemorate October 28 as the day of birth of the Indonesian nation, the birth of the Indonesian nation is the fruit of the struggle of peoples for hundreds of years oppressed under the rule of colonialists at the time, the conditions of oppression is then pushed the youth at the time determined by it to raise the dignity of indigenous Indonesian people's lives, a determination that is the struggle of the people of Indonesia's commitment to successfully achieve its independence 17 years later on August 17, 1945. 

      The formulation of the Youth Oath was written on a paper Moehammad Yamin when Mr.Sunario, as scouting was addressing delegates at the last session of Congress. The oath was read by Soegondo initially and then described at length by Yamin. 

      Youth Oath has a very deep meaning for the nation. Oath contains a pledge united youth and shoots its unified nation by common homeland, nation and language. This recalls our identity as part of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia which shall always keep and maintain the Homeland of all kinds of challenges, threats and crises. 

       It is appropriate we are united and strengthen the bond with each other so that Indonesia remain strong and survive amid the global crisis that threatens the country's economy. Youth Oath bring good news that today we are still united by country, nation and the Indonesian language. Unity and Integrity is a basic step progress of a nation. Congratulations Youth Oath Day!

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